Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Az loves to play kitchen, and amazes me at every turn with all of the things she has obviously been silently observing Miguel and I do in the kitchen. The girl cooks a mean wooden pizza, with all of the proper movements and most of the proper words. She makes me fried eggs and toast and when she's standing at her play stove flipping my egg I almost believe she's about to hand me a hot plate full of eggs and bacon.

When Z was her age he enjoyed pretending to cook as well. His preschool was at my university and they had all the finest in dramatic play accessories. I remember during one of the reviews the school did each semester the master teacher mentioned that Z didn't engage in dramatic play. My mother scoffed when I told her, because Z had a very vivid imagination. Everything about him was dramatic! Now that I'm experiencing an Az level of dramatic play I see that maybe Z didn't engage in pretending at the level that most other kids his age might. I wish I had tape of Z playing in the toy kitchens and play houses so I could compare the way Az plays with the way he did, just for curiosity sake. I've had over a decade for my memories to get fuzzy around the edges, but I can't imagine Z was as dramatic in his play as Az. It doesn't seem possible that any child has ever been as dramatic in their play as Az.

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