Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thirty two years ago today I popped out into the world. On the anniversary of the momentous day in history I found myself without any plans. Miguel had to work and my friends were all busy. Initially I planned to just hang around the house and take it easy but the night before I realized that I would end up rolling around in my misery so I decided that the kids and I would go see a movie. It had been a while since we'd gone to see a movie in the theater so it would be special for the kids. I invited my mom and made arrangements to meet in Sebastopol. I had to bring Miguel to work and had lots of time before the movie started so we walked around, visiting Whole Foods for snacks for the movie and a toy store because toy stores are always fun.

The theater we were in was tiny, which was perfect for Az. We had chosen the Sebastopol Theater because I was hoping to get one of the baby rooms but it turns out that they discontinued the baby rooms. The tiny theater was almost as good, and not really a whole lot larger than one of the baby rooms. For a while it seemed like we might be the only ones in the theater but then towards the last minute other people walked in. Paranorman held Az's attention. She talked a little, excitedly yelling, "Owl!" when one appeared on screen, but she actually talked a lot less than a lot of adults I know do in theaters. Az was ready to be done about ten minutes before the movie ended, so I might wait a couple months until we try again but I think I can chalk the movie date up as a success.

After the movie we walked over to the children's consignment shop, which is quickly becoming my favorite place to get Az's clothing. I found a few things I wanted, and treated myself to them as a birthday present. Among the treasures I found was a GAP dress from last season. It had sold for almost $60 and I hadn't managed to find it on sale before it was completely sold out. I had been sad to see it slip by then, but thanks to a 50% off deal at the consignment shop I got it for eight dollars. Happy birthday to me. I used to have fun buying myself clothing but as I get older and out of shape it has become more fun finding things for my kids. Everything looks good on them.

There was another thrift shop I wanted to show my mom so we schlepped the kids to the other side of town. It wasn't a very long walk but Az was exhausted by then and not up to walking very far on her own legs so my mom and I took turns carrying her. On the way back she completely passed out while being carried. I need to start lifting weights again so I can handle Az schlepping a little better.

Once we got back the theater where our cars were we said our goodbyes to my mom and went to pick up Miguel. Miguel had some money he owed me so we went to Target where not only did Miguel and Zae get me presents (Miguel got me a new record player and Z got me a couple of Fred Flare food face plates that I've been wanting) but I got to buy a bunch of the toiletries and household necessities we've been going without. Having toothpaste once again was an awesome birthday present in itself.

After Target Miguel offered to take us out for dinner. After driving around a little we ended up at a hole in the wall Thai place that ranks up there as the best in Santa Rosa. I thought I had found the fish dish my grandmother used to order that includes the whole fish, edible bones and all, which seemed like the perfect cap to our evening. It turned out to be something else involving a large portion of a fish rather than the whole thing, but everything was delicious anyhow. We so rarely get to go to an actual restaurant today, just sitting down and not having to cook felt like a huge treat.

Considering the fact that today was not even my official day of celebrating, it turned out to be a pretty nice day. It seemed like Az was confused every time I said it was my birthday since the day lacked many of the things she has come to associate with birthdays, but I certainly wouldn't be upset if every day were days like today.
Z's present and card for me. Z is known for his cards, but this is the first one I've ever gotten from him. It was totally worth the wait.

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